Wednesday, May 21, 2008

comin back with thoughts about education..

it's been long again since my last blog entry.. but it's better now than never i guess. just remembered one topic that i was keeping in mind to write about some time ago. it's again about education.. i'm pretty happy about my university and the way studies are organized there but in general education in Lithuania kinda sucks.. the processes of improving it are sooo slow that i'm not sure if we catch up with other countries. starting with primary and middle school kinds there are not taught the most important things in life but instead they get some classes they do not need. times are changing and nowadays more and more diversity comes to our lives even in Lithuania.. but most of the kids in our country don't have a clue about race issues or other things. instead they must attend religion class which is also not that relevant thesedays because we have not only Roman Catholics around us, but of course most of the schools cannot offer you a choice and it happenes that others are kind of discriminated. talking about high school education, senior year in most of the schools is like a hell, everything depends only on two or three final exams! but shouldn't it be that you collect the knowledge throughout the years and get some credits for various exams, projects, etc.? i don't see the point in that one 1,5hrs exam when half of the students are so stressed out because it's one of the first bigger exam in your life.. and after that choosing basically ANY university or college that you can get in.. im glad that more and more people are taking a year of after school to understand what they really want to study or try to choose better education because if you really want everything is possible..
and now looking and university.. what kind of people are there? smart kids, cool kids, like in movies..not that long time ago there was a tv show about bachelor and master studies. some of the students shared their experience while sitting in auditoriums. majority of students don't want anything i mean they are so passive in classes they you'd never get an aswer from them. what is more interesting sometimes listen to people around you..especially girls:) polishing their nails, reading girlish magazines, talking about fashion, boyfriends, etc. this is true.. of course there are many students who work nowadays but what happens is that work comes first than studies, but is it the point of going to university?? ok maybe that's only my personal opinion..hopefully one day things will change or at least the brightest part of youth generation will change them and our children will have opportunities to get better education in their home country.