Saturday, June 02, 2007

Dear loved ones,

There are some things I want to share with you because I love talking and sharing with people. Sometimes you need to sit down for some time and think..think how happy you are, how many wonderful people and things are around you. World is small, life is short, there´s no time not to use the opportunities that it offers. You have to love and cherish people and things when you have them not when you loose them.. I know it´s hard for everyone to do that but that´s what´s our life for… we are here to learn many things, I try to do that everyday of my life not only by reading university books but most of the things I get from different people. When I think how many different ones I know I cannot imagine them in one place! Some of the most important ones (seriously even though it´s been just a bit than three years that we know each other) are YOU, yes ALL of YOU. I love sharing with you, spending time, doing anything! Really, I guess it doesn´t matter when, where and how what matters is people around you. When I think how much I learnd from each one of you… Jus visi esat tie isskirtiniai zmones kurie mane motyvuoja kasdien kazka veikti kazko siekti.. Net neisivaizduoju koks mano gyvenimas butu buves jei nebuciau sutikus jusu! Tikriausiai waaaay different!;) ir dziaugiuosi kad jis ne toks nes niekada gal buciau nesuzinojus kad yra tooookiu nerealiu zmoniu. Busimu pasaulinio garso fotografu, menininku, sokeju, ekonomistu, mediku, protingiausiu ir sekmingiausiu pasaulio zmoniu! Believe in this because i really believe in you, my dear friends! Niekada net negalvojau kad dalyvaujant panasioj programoj gali gauti tieeeek daug kad net apsakyti negali, tiek daug neikainojamu dalyku!! Ech, gerai jau pradeda asaros kauptis akyse, ir lietis per mano zandus:) bet juk verkti nera del ko, nebent is laimes, kad visu musu gyvenimai tiesiog nuostabus! Admit it!;) del to ir verkiu!;) ivertinkit save!

Hope to keep such relationships the whole life! I´m proud of each one of you and it´s my honour to know you!
So if you need anything just call my name;)
Hope to see you soon! And for now have the best day ever! Stop and think for a sec;) maybe some wonderful things are waiting for you to be recognized…


smiling redhead;)