happy 5 weeks! so yesteday was one more Thursday and already our 5th week in the beautiful, friendly country - The Netherlands! So after five weeks..:
- I realized that there can be a parade at any time and it will definitely go through Neude! (the place where I live)
- i forgot what it means to have a good night's sleep cuz of weirdest things around: screaming people, stones thrown at my window, knockin at the door and the list goes on..:)
- my relatives that I live with moved to the third floor of the apartment so I got a new neighbor from the bar downstairs who snores very loudly
- I went to Train the trainers conerence in Brussels, had lots of fun and hope to facilitate in the future
- I became very lazy to study and make some assignments, even tho our school has a very student-friendly environment this doesn’t help to motivate myself to work uuups..
- I realized how good it is when everyone does not speak about crisis all the time:) (sorry, but it was really frustrating in Lithuania!)
- I’m just starting to explore the other parts of Utrecht by going to some random places that I didn’t have a clue they exist:)
- I’m still not biking!! Can you believe it?? I’ve gone on the back tho.. was fun:)
- Netherlands have waaaaay too many good American things like Doritos, Orios, Ben&Jerry’s (and the list goes on) that do not help me lol
- I’ve found out how the flower market works and how biggest flower auction takes place. The facts are pretty amazing!
- i can dance like crazy at least once a week and hang out with new people that you meet all the time!
- i still miss a glass of cuba libre that i cannot drink here whenever i want
- this list could go on but let's stop for now;)
upcoming exciting things:
- Lithuanian party at Beneluxlan on March 11!!!
- meeting my brother (hope you all knew that i have one;)) in Amsterdam woohooo party time!!!;)
Stay positive!;)
Friday, March 06, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
Utrechtas – idomus miestas..
Keletas pastebejimu po 11dienu savo naujuose namuose:
- penkta ryto cia gatves pilnos zmoniu besimegaujanciu bulvemis su majonezu ar kitais uzkandziais ir minanciu namo savo sauniaisiais dviratukais
- mergaites net ir ziema kazkodel nejaucia salcio ir mielai nesioja vasarinius batukus.. (hmm..kita savaite ir as isbandysiu manau..)
- cia yra ir auksciausia baznycia Nyderlanduose (112m.) i kuria be dideliu problemu ilipome sestadienio popiete (tikrai neblogas vaizdas is virsaus)
- kiek girdejom Utrechtas tai vieta kur labiausiai vogiami dviraciai (ech tie studentai su savo taupumu..) taip, kad jei nenori leisti apie 50-70 euru dviraciui gali pasiprasyti pas “junkie” kad ji tau “paimtu” uz keleta euru, na, o jei tau pavoge jau koki penkta dvirati gal deredamasis su “junkie” netycia nusipirksi vel ta pati:)
- Nyderlanduose, musu nuomone, tu esi turtingas, jei:
• Vazineji viesuoju transportu (kol kas mes irgi dar prie “isrinktuju” :D)
• Gali prisigerti :D (cia alus(=vanduo su puse stiklines putu) 0.2-0.3l. 2.20euro (pasiseke jei gausi maza plastmasine stikline uz 1.25euro)
DEMESIO! skelbiame konkursa “PIGUS budas isgerti Olandijoje” lauksime pasiulymu geriausi receptai bus isbandyti ir galbut apdovanoti lauktuvemis :D
- Utrechtas taip pat nebloga vieta tusintis “rusiuose” :D ir prisiminti mokyklos laiku diskotekas :D (apsilankyk tokiose vietose kaip Tivoli arba Woolloomooloo (neblogas pavadinimas, ka?:)) ir pasijausi kaip apleistam rusy, kur veikia vienas baras juose aisku i plastmasine tara pilstomas alus ir yra dar koki keturi buteliai kitokiu gerimu, o degtines staparikas miniatiurinio dydzio TIK uz 2.50 euro! :D) nepaisant to zmones vos telpa ir tusas gali buti tikrai saunus;)
- Utrechto centrine stotis (teko girdeti, kad ji didziausia Olandijoj) visai nebloga vieta shopintis (arti namu ir nemazai parduotuviu)
- Nors cia dviratininkai ir visagaliai (jiems beveik visada pirmumo teise ir siaip jie pavojingi..) pasirodo net ir cia miesto centre tam tikru laiku savaitgaliais jiems draudziama vazineti (yes!:)) (kadangi tai yra beveik neimanoma del zmoniu srauto)
kol kas tiek pastebejimu, lauksim klausimu;)
Monday, February 02, 2009
First blog entry from Utrecht;) (in lithuanian sorry)
Dviraciai, moterys.. per daug moteru :D o kur vyrai? Vyrai geri, sypsosi, padeda beviltiskoje situacijoje su lagaminais.. tik ju pasirode ne per daugiausiai. Universitetas: is betono ir medzio.. hm..idomus bet draugiskas. Musu programa: neaiski. Mums atrodo kad mokysimes tik dviese :D kitos programos koordinatorius saunus vyras, gal prisijungsim prie jo:) naujieji draugai: hm.. ivairus, dar nesusiprate kaip ir visi kiti, o musu cia daug.. gyvenamoji vieta: pats centras, pro langa aiskte, kurioje stebim zmones, gera pasidaro, kad jie cia grazus ir tikrai nenuobodus kaip gimtinej:) turim priesais nejudanti drauga is anapus, dar matem dede, kuris sukasi ratu, priesais nuolat sviecia ceaser’s palace, postkantoor ir t.t. geles: pigios ir ju daug net ir ziema;)
internetas centre atrodo gaudomas bet normaliai neveikia. Keliavimas patogus bet brangus malonumas jei neturi dviracio. Dviraciai, o ju cia daaaaaaaug ir dviratininkai pavojingi, gerai kad pasiseke isvengti avariju bent jau kol kas, nors ir per plauka:) ant dviracio galima vezti viska.. lagamina, balta plastmasini zmogu be galvos, 3 vaikus karutyje arba 2 fotelius su pufikais.. dar milziniska violoncele, medine deze nuo darzoviu, dideliu gabaritu paveikslus ir t.t. dvirati reikia pasipuosti, apipinti gelemis, apvynioti plastikine plevele ar uzdeti ant jo maisa..
jei idomu ar jau “valgem” ka nors tai pranesiu kad dar ne:) nors zoles kvapas aplink visur, bet coffee shop’ai nepasirode labai lankomomis vietomis kaip daugelis gali isivaizduoti.
internetas centre atrodo gaudomas bet normaliai neveikia. Keliavimas patogus bet brangus malonumas jei neturi dviracio. Dviraciai, o ju cia daaaaaaaug ir dviratininkai pavojingi, gerai kad pasiseke isvengti avariju bent jau kol kas, nors ir per plauka:) ant dviracio galima vezti viska.. lagamina, balta plastmasini zmogu be galvos, 3 vaikus karutyje arba 2 fotelius su pufikais.. dar milziniska violoncele, medine deze nuo darzoviu, dideliu gabaritu paveikslus ir t.t. dvirati reikia pasipuosti, apipinti gelemis, apvynioti plastikine plevele ar uzdeti ant jo maisa..
jei idomu ar jau “valgem” ka nors tai pranesiu kad dar ne:) nors zoles kvapas aplink visur, bet coffee shop’ai nepasirode labai lankomomis vietomis kaip daugelis gali isivaizduoti.
musu grupe sauni siandien puikiai sutiko, prisistate tikekimes ir toliau draugaus:) mokytis pradesim rytoj tai matysim kaip ten bus. daug laiko nera kadanors papidysiu;) laukiam klausimu kas idomu.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Destination: Utrecht!!!!;)
hey ho everyone!
so it's been a while since i wrote here but because I've just bought a ticket to Utrecht, my 5months experience, i thought I should get back to my blog and share some of my adventures there;)
Thursday, January 29 8:55 Vilnius airport;)
c ya in Vilnius, Utrecht or somewhere!
so it's been a while since i wrote here but because I've just bought a ticket to Utrecht, my 5months experience, i thought I should get back to my blog and share some of my adventures there;)
Thursday, January 29 8:55 Vilnius airport;)
c ya in Vilnius, Utrecht or somewhere!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
one more year of my life is about to end:)
some thougths on the last day being nineteen.. shortly - good feeling. maybe this is the moment when it is good to think about the year behind you cuz i never do that new year's eve. actually, the life is so beautiful! i enjoyed the moment in the city, even tho it was very busy around, i felt very calm inside.. i just went to have lunch/dinner all by myself. very good feeling to sit and think what happened in these past years, nineteen years. dont even kno if that's a lot or not.. im successfully continuing my studies, taking some new activities, everythin is pretty amazing. but maybe id like more, or maybe i want too much as always, but i guess it's better to dream than to let your dreams go away.
i really enjoyed my dinner and coffee today and some reading. it seems that one doesnt need anything else.
i wish my dreams that i wrote down on a piece of paper would come true. i believe that if u really want it, u dream about it, life will turn in a good way and will somehow make everything possible.
im sittin, thinkin, the plans of the day are fulfilled, really good feeling.. i think im born under the lucky star maybe because of those eights in my date of birth:) im happy for others' and my own success. im enjoyin so many simple things in summer that sometimes are impossible to enjoy during the intence schoolyear.
i feel that im ready for new things, challenges and on my birthday id like to thank everyone who contributed towards the good things that happened in my life in one or another way;)
i wish u all luck!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Random thoughts..
today i went to our train station with my friend who was leaving and we realized that it is much more difficult to find a lithuanian magazine there than the russian one, actually there was a "store" (if one can call it such) that was totally "russian" i mean some old random books there, all range of magazines in russian and some other weird stuff but between those only like 3-5 lithuanian magazines.
that actually made me kind of sad..
anyways, enjoy your day!;)
P.s. and we want that foreigners wouldn't say that we proly speak russian in Lithuania..
that actually made me kind of sad..
anyways, enjoy your day!;)
P.s. and we want that foreigners wouldn't say that we proly speak russian in Lithuania..
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
In the air!
so the weekend was great cuz finally i could fly again..and be surrounded by people who love to fly who love the air! and visit some places that I could stay forever..
I was always a bigger fan of the air than for example water or ground.. so this weekend I went to Pociunai with my dad and could see how wonderful everythin looks from above: the river, fields, towns, etc. amazing nature!
and then the next day I drove with my fam to Panevezys to a great show "Zmogus paukstis" which is dedicated to a great pilot who died in a plain accident earlier this year Vytautas Lapenas. He was an amazing man who made impossible possible even after a very serious accident showed that it's possible to fly even being dissabled. such kind of people are the ones we should learn from..
off topic: I think I'm a workaholic person cuz I think I have too less work to do thesedays which drives me crazy sometimes..on the other hand i love doin nothin or watchin movies or sleepin - just bein lazy:)
I was always a bigger fan of the air than for example water or ground.. so this weekend I went to Pociunai with my dad and could see how wonderful everythin looks from above: the river, fields, towns, etc. amazing nature!
and then the next day I drove with my fam to Panevezys to a great show "Zmogus paukstis" which is dedicated to a great pilot who died in a plain accident earlier this year Vytautas Lapenas. He was an amazing man who made impossible possible even after a very serious accident showed that it's possible to fly even being dissabled. such kind of people are the ones we should learn from..
off topic: I think I'm a workaholic person cuz I think I have too less work to do thesedays which drives me crazy sometimes..on the other hand i love doin nothin or watchin movies or sleepin - just bein lazy:)
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